Looking back at the coalition's work in 2022

We have accomplished quite a bit this past year from protecting universal public health care to educating coalition members on policy solutions to the drug toxicity crisis to advocating for a well-funded, full continuum of care for seniors in the public system. Most importantly, we continued to build a coalition across BC to defend and improve public health care. Curious what we've accomplished? Watch the video below summarizing our work. Want more details? Take a read through the Annual Report or watch a recording of our 2022 AGM

We are a small team so our work is only possible because all of our coalition members came together in the past year. Watch a video summarizing some of our work in 2022. 


On November 30, 2022, members of the BC Health Coalition came together for our Annual General Meeting where coalition members reviewed the work of the BCHC, approved our end of year 2021 Financials, and were part of the launch of our Beyond Prohibition policy report addressing the drug toxicity crisis. Watch a recording of the event below and see our 2022 Annual Report here