Share your extra-billing story


Have you been extra-billed for health care services?

Extra-billing happens when patients are either charged directly by their health care provider for services already covered by the Medical Services Plan or charged in addition to the amounts prescribed by the Medical Services Plan. This includes all medically necessary care and services, including diagnostic services such as MRI or CT scans. In other words, extra-billing means you are paying out of pocket for health care when your care card or personal health number should have covered the bill.  

Some examples include: 

  • I received a bill that included a $20 “tray-fee” charge by the provider for the cost of disposable supplies like a needle during my visit.  
  • I was pressured to pay $2,000 out of pocket for a more expensive cataract replacement lens. 
  • I was charged $80 for a consultation with a doctor even though presented my valid care card/personal health number 
  • I was charged $800 for an MRI scan following a requisition 

By sharing your story with us, you will help us better understand illegal extra-billing in BC. Personal stories are an important way we can build pressure for the government to proactively enforce our laws and put an end to extra-billing in BC. Thank participating in our efforts to stop extra-billing in BC.

We will keep your personal information confidential and commit never to share any of your responses without your prior consent. 

Have you or someone you know been asked to pay an extra fee for a medically necessary care or service?